Thursday, February 24, 2022

Rain & Snow


A cold front came roaring through Arizona yesterday bringing colder temperatures and rain.  We need the rain so no one is complaining.  It's fun to watch since we don't see that much of it.

When I went out to snap a photo, I saw yesterday's "parking lot" geese sitting on the roof and soaking up the rain.  There were one or two "honks" while I was watching them.

Up north where my sister lives, the weather brought snow and her dog was loving it.  She said he kept running outside to play in it.


  1. Snow, and rain, we got both here so the conditions are not much fun. Would have been if you had shot a panorama here.

  2. Lots of rain and snow here. It seems to be trend this year.
    PS: Dogs really do like to have fun.

  3. Dogs and snow, they love it or they are scared of it!

  4. Winter is not quite done with us

  5. Winter is the very best of seasons. The dog knows it's a good thing.

  6. Every dog I have had has loved the snow. They are like kids.

  7. It's raining and sleeting here right now. Love the dog lifting one of his front paws, my dog used to do that. :)

  8. Well, at least you're not getting the snow! I see that Bruce got snow up where he is.

  9. Yup snow and rain. I enjoyed seeing the pictures on t.v. of snow in Cave Creek, north Scottsdale and on the Superstitions. Fortunately today it's beginning to warm up.
