Friday, February 25, 2022

As the Storm Moved Past Us


My friends Julie and Dave had invited me to join them and Julie's mother Glenda for a very special dinner Wednesday evening.  When I headed out around 5:30, the rain had stopped and the sun had started to peek through the clouds.  The storm that brought rain and snow to Arizona was heading east.  The remaining clouds looked pretty dramatic.  I snapped these two photos as I was driving to meet my dinner party.

Those clouds were so low it looked like I might be be able to touch them.  
Tomorrow, I'll tell you about the special dinner event.  


  1. Enjoy the view. There's a lot of beautiful to look at.

  2. Those clouds look familiar to me, we see them day in day out here...

  3. Love that landscape and those skys

  4. Those clouds are dramatic indeed, Sharon. Somehow it looks a bit cool there still.

  5. Clouds are not a daily occurrence over there... You did take a great picture.
    Looking forward to reading about that special dinner.

  6. You captured some dramatic looking clouds. It's strange to see them in your area, Enjoy the view. :)

  7. Quite imposing looking at the 2 different cloud types too

  8. That's a very dramatic sky, particularly in the second photo.
