Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Big Feet!


The Canadian Geese are back and once again they have been scouting out the parking lot instead of enjoying the nearby lake.

I heard them squawking loudly so I went outside to see what all the noise was about.  I saw two of them "honking" at each other from the top of the carport covers.  

In past years they have hatched their young ones right here in the parking lot.  Time will tell whether they think our parking lot is once again a good nursing facility. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Exactly, they are look for a place to make a nest. I hope you will photograph the young ones when they show up.

  3. I scrolled down to the first photo and thought goose, just from the feet.

  4. Love the shot of the feet. I've heard a few geese and seen some flying overhead but they sure aren't looking for nesting spots here yet.

  5. Those feet are made for walking. :)

  6. How intriguing. I recall your earlier post about them.

  7. They do have large feet. I guess they will raise thei young before heading north in the Spring?

  8. It's so peculiar how they gravitate to the parking lot. Maybe they like it because it's warm and open? Less places for predators to hide?
