Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Savage Pruning


When I was at the Desert Botanical Garden last Friday, I was sitting in the contemplation garden waiting for some birds to come down for a drink when I spotted this gardener doing some trimming off in the distance.  Since the birds weren't inclined to get a drink, I snapped a photo of the gardener instead.  Then I walked down to see what it was he was trimming.  That's when my heart sank.  It was that gorgeous guayacan bush. I post photos of the blooms on that bush every spring.  

I asked the gardener if it would grow back and he said "I hope so".  

Me too!

In case you've forgotten what the blooms on this bush look like, here are two photos I took back in May.  

Fingers crossed that it bounces back with new growth.  I love these gorgeous  blooms. 

You can see how big the whole shrub used to be by clicking here.


  1. Sometimes you wonder what they are doing with what goal...

  2. What on earth possessed him to prune it so much?
    May she heal and flourish again.

  3. Let's hope the prune was well advised.

  4. Hopefully he knows what he is doing!

  5. Maybe it's like a rose bush and benefits from hard pruning. Some plants produce flowers on new rather than old growth, so they need a prune job to flower well the following year. Fingers crossed!

  6. I hope Steve is right but time will tell.

  7. We did some hard pruning on our front hedge over the last last few days, not that hard though

  8. Oh my... the blooms are gorgeous.

  9. Plants have their ways. I think it will come back as before.

  10. Seems a bit of a severe prune but He's the gardener I guess, hopefully it grows back.
