Monday, September 20, 2021

Is It a Mural or a Sign?


I noticed this one just last week on the side of a neighborhood Market.  It is so bright and colorful that it draws attention immediately.  I'm just not sure if it should be classified as a sign or as a mural.  With all that color and detail, I think it belongs in the mural category.  Unfortunately, there is no signature on it so I can give proper credit to the artist.

Taking part in Monday Murals.


  1. Looks great, much better than a wall.

  2. Well I vote that it is a mural…and a pretty one at that..

  3. Fantastic colours! I would call it a mural for sure.

  4. In my mind, it's a mural. Of course, it certainly gives you a colorful picture of what you are going to find inside.

  5. Which ever it is, it's great advertising.

  6. I think it's both! We don't really have to choose, right? :)

  7. Very colourful. Been out of phone/net reception since Tuesday, just got back to civilization... Thanks for participating in Monday murals.
