Thursday, August 26, 2021

National Dog Day


Someone mentioned to me that today is National Dog Day.  It's a day to celebrate our beloved, four-legged friends.  I thought I'd do just that by featuring two dogs I know and love.

First up is my sister's dog Pepper.  You might remember me telling the story of me adopting him from the Humane Society and driving to meet my sister to pass him along to her.  You will be happy to know that he has settled in comfortably and is now the center of attention at my sister's house.

To the right is my friend David and his partner Riley's new dog Alexis.  She is the cutest little bundle of energy I've seen in a long time.  She makes me think of "Tigger" from Winnie the Pooh.  She bounces up and down like she has springs for legs.

Two very cute and well loved dogs to celebrate today! 


  1. Dogs truly are your best friend.

  2. Two very cute and lucky wee pooches Sharon, those sweet little faces looking at the camera, adorable 💜💙

  3. Sweet, I do prefer old and mellow to young an energetic

  4. Alexis reminds me of the dog I grew up with. They are both sweet, Sharon!

  5. EVERY day is National Dog Day in this household! LOL

  6. oh what sweeties! I miss having a dog.

  7. Hmmm, I wonder. We found a nursing pit bull mama pit bull in our back yard this morning. The gate is always closed so we have no idea how she got in but she does not appear friendly and I don't argue with pit bulls. She obviously comes from a neighbor so I'm waiting for him to come home and let him retrieve her. So that's my Dog Day story.
