Friday, August 27, 2021

A Half a Century Ago


I moved to Arizona 50 years ago along with my parents.  This is the first house they bought all those years ago.  It was located in the far northwest side of Phoenix right on what was the edge of town back in those days.  Now the city limits go much further north and west.  The house was brand new and in a new neighborhood.  Soon after moving in, mom and dad had a pool installed in the back yard.  Mom loved to swim and believe it or not, so did the family dog, a very large St. Bernard.  I lived here for a couple of years before moving into an apartment with a friend.  

About 15 years ago, I drove by this house and the whole neighborhood was looking a bit sad and run down.  I was happy to see that it has recovered and is once again looking like a great place to live.


  1. It does look good Sharon, always interesting to see the home we spent time in. We've been in our house over 30 years now but we often pass our old apartment we lived in before the kids across the road from Scarborough beach. Needless to say when we were there we looked out straight over to the beach, it is so built up now that view would be long gone 😊

  2. Neat, nice memories. Neighborhoods seem to have a cycle of good times, lean times, and back again. I realized recently that I have been filing tax returns for 50 years. I started young,

  3. I didn't realize that you had been in Arizona that long, Sharon. The house is looking good.

  4. It feels well suited to that part of the continent.

  5. I went back through all of your posts back to the Kubota in the parking lot - beautiful images. Thank you for those. I wish we had spent more time in Phoenix when we were in Arizona.

  6. I didn't realize you'd lived in Phoenix so long! I'm glad the ol' homestead is looking better these days. I wish you could have gotten a shot of the pool!
