Friday, June 18, 2021

Early Morning Tree Trimming


I heard some noise outside my windows early Wednesday morning and saw that the tree trimmers were hard at work at around 5:45 AM.  

They needed to get an early start because temperatures soared to 115 by the afternoon.  People who do outdoor work are having to start quite early to beat the heat.  The trimmer in the blue shirt is easy to see, but there is also a trimmer in the taller tree to the left.  You can see his hat in the top photo and his blue sleeve and his feet hugging the tree in the second photo.  Shortly after I took the second photo, the guy on the right waved at me.  I did wave back!


  1. Hard way to earn a living in that weather.

  2. On my one and only stay in Phoenix I saw the garbage men working in the dark of night... but they never waved at me. :-)

  3. I feel for these people out in that heat!

  4. I can't imagine what it must be like to have to work outside in that climate.

  5. Temps that hot can be very dangerous. Nice photo!

  6. I would start early too! When I was in Green Valley it was the first time I had seen covered parking in a grocery store parking lot!

  7. Same as here in the summer. Get anything outside done early.

  8. When we moved back to Phoenix in 2013 (for less than a year) we had a guy come to cut the grass and he asked if I wanted the tree trimmed. I looked for a ladder and began to defer but he was insistent, through a rope or something around the tree and went up it like a monkey and trimmed the palm fronds. I had to admit it looked much better after he was done. But it made me nervous.

  9. That reminds me our palm trees are due for a trim too.
