Saturday, June 19, 2021

Random Observations


Here are a few random observations from around town over the last few weeks.  

First up, a very strange looking vehicle encountered at a traffic light.  I noticed it has only three wheels on the ground and that extra one on the back.

To the left, a very tall and very skinny couple standing in the lobby of an office building.  

Above we have some lavender growing nice and tall just outside the salon where I get my hair cut.

The one to the right was taken two weeks ago in my friend Glenda's back yard.  We were sitting out there sipping a glass of wine when this hummingbird came buzzing no more that three feet away from me.  I snapped this with my iPhone.  I honestly didn't think I'd get anything but it turned out better than I imagined.  

This last one was spotted in the window of a shop selling antiques and gifts.  You never know when a fake cupcake might come in handy.  At least I think they are fake.  The shop was closed so I couldn't tell for sure.

Just thought I'd add this for the fun of it.  Evidence of our over-the-top heat wave.  


  1. Something strange in the neighbourhood. I enjoyed the tour.

  2. Loved your random observations!!!
    I had heard about your high temperatures but 47º C ???? That is atrocious!!

  3. Ugh! That heat! The car is very peculiar. It seems like it might not be very well-balanced with a single rear wheel. The sculptures are very Giacometti.

  4. I love the three wheeler, Morgan built one of those a few years ago, I don't think it was sold in the USA, most likely people will have to wait until it is 25 years old and import it as an antique.

  5. The heat would wipe me out! I like those skinny sculptures, Sharon.

  6. I like those skinny sculptures too. Keep cool, Sharon!

  7. What an odd car! Lovely captures of nature. Yummy looking cakes.

  8. Well, I for one enjoyed all of the things you encountered this week except for that temperature! I am hoping it cools off for you.

  9. The cupcakes may be fake Sharon but they still did the job of making me want one desperately 😉 I heard about your heatwave, oh boy I am so glad we're heading into winter!
