Thursday, June 17, 2021

Photo Editing Fun


In case you haven't heard, it's been terribly hot here this last week.  So hot that finding things to entertain myself at home has been my goal.  Photo editing fits in perfectly.  I love seeing what I can create with some of my photos.  I really like how this one of a desert rose turned out when I applied some painterly features.

Then I tried some sketching techniques to this photo of my friends David and Riley's dog.  Doesn't she look adorable?

I was looking for options for making collages when I found this "museum wall" pre-made frame.  All I had to do was add the photos.  It's kind of cute but unless I blew it up billboard size, you couldn't really see the photos very well.  And, that one photo out of alignment on the second row really bugs me.  


  1. I love the colours in the the first photo.

  2. I love all three for different reasons, the first is so beautifully colourful, the wee dog, well he's just too cute but the collage is just so blooming clever. Brilliant work Sharon 💜

  3. Nicely done! The dog is a sweetie!

    I suppose you could concentrate on sunrises and sunsets, thus avoiding the heat.

  4. The flower looks wonderful but I think the dog would always look cute no matter what you did to the shot!

  5. Awesome work on the flower. The dog looks very cool but they always do. :)

  6. The photo editing apps and programs are amazing these days! I really like the flower edit. Gorgeous!

  7. Love the flower and the dog. That dog is so cute it hurts me.

  8. Love the edited pics! I agree with the photos in the second row in the collage -- what were they thinking putting them so close together?!
