Thursday, March 25, 2021

A New Tenant and a Face Lift


This building used to be a huge J C Penney's store many years ago when this was the Park Central Shopping Center.  Since that time it has housed a couple other businesses related to the medical field and training.  Now it is the  Children's Rehabilitative Center for DMG (District Medical Group). 

They've added these colorful window coverings to add a little interest to an otherwise plain building.

I also noticed something else that was new while I was there.  On the front side of the center is where that strange metal structure that I mentioned in my post last year is located. There are a few lunch style restaurants located on this side.  This is also where the old Goldwater's Department store used to be located.  Sometime since my last visit here, they have added that "Goldwater" sign.  Just a little momento of the past.  


Steve Reed said...

It's good that they've discovered new uses for those buildings. Old shopping centers are sometimes very hard to repurpose, as I understand it. I like the window coverings and that mural/awning is a lively combo!

biebkriebels said...

It looks good with those palmtrees in front.

Travel said...

I agree, great to see a use for outdated shopping centers, there are going to be more of them when the fallout from the past year settles in. One here in DC burbs is going to be torn down and replaced with a hospital, medical offices and residential

William Kendall said...

Those window coverings work well.

Catarina said...

The palm trees look good there too. Probably as old as the building.

RedPat said...

It is good that someone realizes how art has a positive effect on people!

Bill said...

The building looks nice with the art, window coverings and the palm trees out front. It's wonderful that they found a good reuse for the building.

Susie of Arabia said...

I'm so glad old shopping centers are being repurposed. Love the window covering and the artwork. I remember Goldwater's Department Store - the good old days.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

It's always an encouraging sign when buildings get a bit of attention like this Sharon, means things are going well ✨

Thérèse said...

So pleasant to the eye! Not easy to "recycle" such huge department stores.

Gemel said...

Great renovation.

Aimz said...

I like the different colours, it's good for children.