Friday, March 26, 2021

Macro Magic


Ten years ago I bought a macro lens for my Sony camera and I began enjoying the joys of macro photography.  At first it was with mostly flowers but I soon learned that it worked on many different things.  Last week I was looking for a specific photo that had me searching through the macro photo file.  I thought I'd post a few of the creations I made over the years using a variety of subjects.  First is one of the many flowers I photographed.

This is a couple of fragments from some flowers that I let go to seed.

This is the rough edge of a rustic basket.  

These are the little baubles that hang from the edge of a lamp shade.

This one is of the frayed hole in a pair of jeans.  

I don't use that camera very often any longer but, every now and then I'll get it out.  My smaller Nikon camera also takes macro photos but no where near as good as that Sony lens did the job.


Stefan Jansson said...

Macro photograph is great fun. Some good examples here.

Andy said... a macro lens on a camera and it presents a whole new world to us. Nice photos Sharon.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Fabulous macros Sharon, yourself and Aimee share a talent for the excellent macro shots 💙 Happy weekend ✨

biebkriebels said...

A different way of looking at daily things, nice!

Travel said...

Amazing images,

William Kendall said...

These are wonderful.

RedPat said...

These are great, Sharon!

Bill said...

Fantastic shots, Sharon.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Should have kept the Sony. I can't take photos that close with my Macro

Gemel said...

Magic indeed.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

These are incredible. Like a hidden world!

Aimz said...

I like the basket one the best.

Steve Reed said...

Nice! These are VERY macro. You can really get in close with that lens!

Karl said...

Macro images show a "new world" to our eyes, these are wonderful, Sharon !

Sami said...

Wonderful photos Sharon!