Friday, March 12, 2021

A Multitude of Mallards


One day last weekend, I took a walk at the Scottsdale Civic Center Park where I found lots and lots of ducks roaming about.  This one was standing in the sun and showing off his beautiful, colorful feathers.  He does look quite proud of himself, doesn't he?

These two made me laugh.  It looked "Mr" duck was waiting patiently for "Mrs" duck to get herself together.  He looks like he's about to say "Aren't you ready yet honey?  We are going to be late."

This fellow seems to have had an itch on this chin.  

And this poor fellow seems have a bump on his head.  I hope that isn't anything serious.  


  1. Funny photo's, one seems to wave at you! LOL!

  2. Quack, quack, quack, ducks are so fun to watch.

  3. They are funny creatures to watch! I hope that last guy is okay too, Sharon.

  4. Ducks sure can make people laugh.

  5. Great pictures! I never appreciated mallards much because I saw them so often when I was younger (they lived on our lake) but now they seem downright exotic. That bump is very weird. I wonder what's going on there?! (Let's not make him self-conscious, though.)

  6. Wonderful series of shots Sharon, it always seems so unfair to me that the males are so much more beautifully coloured than the females 😉
