Thursday, March 11, 2021

Time For African Daisies


A sure sign of the arrival of spring is seeing the African daisies growing all over town.  I always look forward to seeing these cheerful flowers.

These pretty flowers have become perennials in many places.  They appear in the same spots year after year and I always take the time to stop and enjoy them.


  1. You are teasing me with all of these flowers in bloom. Spring is still a few weeks off north of the border.

  2. Nice deep colors, first daffodils on the the Mt. yesterday

  3. They are so beautiful, Sharon!

  4. You remember I bought some of these a few years ago, after seeing your posts about them? Well, they were killed this past winter by our cold spell. Still, we had them a few years so that's a success in my book!

  5. Oh, how I like these colors, pretty flowers !

  6. So vibrant Sharon, there aren't many blooms that evoke warmth like they do 💛

  7. Beautiful! we love those Arctotis here as they are so easy to grow.
