Saturday, March 13, 2021

Contemplating Clouds


We had a low pressure system move into the valley on Thursday bringing cloudy skies and a scattering of rain here and there.  Not enough rain to get excited about but it did rain just a bit over night.  So on Friday, the sky was full of clouds in every direction.  

The clouds were so pretty that when I went out to run some errands, I found my way to the top of a parking garage so I could snap a few photos in different directions.

Not long after I took these photos, the clouds closed up and it started to rain again.  Just another light sprinkling but, we will take all the rain that we can get.  A nice steady rain will help to bring out lots of spring wildflowers.  

It was a nice break from the sunny skies we've had most of the week.  


  1. Beautiful clouds! I'm looking forward to those wildflower photos too. :)

  2. Those white puffy clouds are gorgeous. They always put on a good display.

  3. Wow amazing sky there! looks like some one has trown cotton balls in the air!

  4. Very good pictures!! Beautiful clouds indeed. I, on the other hand, feel I have a break when I don't see any clouds at all. :)

  5. Love the fluffy clouds, Sharon!

  6. The imagination is running wild when looking at clouds.

  7. Some beautiful skies there. Love those clouds, great captures, Sharon.

  8. So I guess you'll miss that 4 feet of snow they're expecting in the foothills around Denver. :-)

  9. We need rain too. Those are pretty clouds!

  10. Love a cloudy sky too, nothing as boring as a plain blue endless sky!

  11. Beautiful, impressive clouds!

  12. I know exactly what you mean Sharon, those little showers are so welcome. Fantastic cloud formations 💙
