Sunday, October 11, 2020

Motorcycle Collection on Display


Eight years ago, I did a post about this house perched on the east side of Camelback Mountain.  At that time, this glass room appeared to be a living room.

Looking at it recently, it now looks like a display case for a collection of motorcycles.

Seems a strange thing to do.  This is prime real estate.  I can only imagine what the neighbors might be thinking.  Homes in this area are valued at well over one million dollars.  

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  Roadside Attractions is the subject.


  1. Yes a weird place for them. An inviting place for criminals to brake the window and take them away...

  2. Oh my goodness, that is hilarious.

    What a waste of such a lovely room.

  3. Well that's rather unusual lounge decor Sharon 😊

  4. Looks like a nice collection. When I moved into my office I remarked to my boss that would bring in all of the framed diplomas and licenses. He offered a simple piece of advice. Surround yourself with things that make you happy, don't worry about impressing others. It looks like the homeowner has done just that.

  5. We have a friend with a huge loft who has a Porsche sitting in his kitchen so who knows what goes through people's heads!

  6. I don't imagine those bikes come cheap either,

  7. Strange indeed! An invitation for someone to break in.

  8. There's no accounting for the foibles of people with too much money.

  9. Well, gotta put them somewhere, the garage is probably full of Maseratis and ferraris.
