Saturday, October 10, 2020

The Fall Butterflies Are Here


The fall butterfly exhibit opened last week at the Desert Botanical Garden so I went Friday morning to see how it was.  You have to have a reservation and they limit the number of people inside the pavilion which makes it nice.  They also took out all the benches so you can't sit and linger.  I found my favorite butterfly to photograph, the malachite above.  

There were quite a few of these white butterflies.

The fall exhibit features monarch butterflies but there weren't many that I saw on this visit.  

I only saw one of the Gulf Fritillary.
Visiting the pavilion was a little different this year but it was still nice to see these beauties.  


  1. Amazing butterflies, so colorfull. We don't see them here in fall, only in summerdays.

  2. Nice variety. Butterflies with their beautiful markings and colours never fail to please.

  3. I haven't seen any butterflies here for a few weeks so I guess all of the Monarchs are on their way south.

  4. Amazing, butterflies are about done here for the season,

  5. It's great that they're still doing the butterfly exhibit, at least. Beautiful picture of the malachite!

  6. Really great photos, each and every one. Looks like a wonderful exhibit!

  7. Those butterflies are amazing, like a piece of art. Wonderful job photographing them, Sharon!

  8. Wonderful photos of wonderful creatures.

  9. They are all utterly beautiful, but the white pair are really quite special.

  10. Gosh they are all beautiful Sharon, must be so nice to have the gardens almost to yourself, or at least not nearly so busy, enjoy 💜

  11. Gorgeous butterflies. Beautiful creatures indeed.
    : )

  12. Butterflies are fabulous creatures, so photogenic!
