Monday, October 12, 2020

Lots of Dogs & Unplanned Bokeh


There is a relatively new dog boarding service that recently opened near where I live and I noticed recently that there was  new mural painted along the side wall of the place.  Yesterday, I drove by to snap a photo or two. 

Apparently the sun was positioned perfectly over the top of me to create the sunspot bokeh effect in every single one of the photos I took.  At first I was a little irritated and thought about going back to get different shots.  But after looking at them for a while I decided I like the effect.  So here they are, sunspots and all.

I don't know the artist's name.  There was no signature anywhere. 

Taking part in Monday Murals.


  1. Utterly fabulous, love the use of colour. It's a very happy piece.

  2. I thought the spots were part of the piece, Sharon! I like the style of this one.

  3. The bright colorful spot of my morning - Thanks I needed that

  4. Quite cute Sharon, I like the dogs over the colourful background. I like the sun spots too :)
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

  5. The artist certainly has a style that catches the eye.

  6. That is a great mural. I love the contrast between the straight lines and the dog portraits.

  7. Nice and colourful, the spots looks like they are part of the mural.

  8. I love the dog portraits and the background looks very 3D, terrific! I would love to take my dog there.... if I had one!

  9. I wonder if the paintings are based on actual client dogs? I like the sunspots. I suspect you had some dust on your lens, but it works in this case!

  10. You can never have too many dogs ๐Ÿ˜Š love this mural snd the sunspots look pretty cool also ๐Ÿ’™
