Sunday, October 25, 2020

Halloween is Getting Close


I'm starting to see signs that Halloween is fast approaching.  I haven't been out as much as previous years but I found one Halloween decoration right from my balcony.  A neighbor has placed some lights within  the trim on his balcony wall to make a jack-o-lantern face.  The funny thing is, he had these on for two nights back around the 10th of the month and he hasn't had them turned on since.  Maybe he'll turn them back on this week.

The second sign I saw was Friday evening when I was leaving and I saw this crow (or is it a raven?) sitting on the carport cover and having a look around.  I've never seen him around here before.  

Just a couple of signs that the "spooky" season has arrived.  

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm looking through the "Inns of Court" in London. 


  1. Some people here have a fake crow on their balcony as a warning for other birds not to leave their feces there... :)

  2. Those lights on the balcony look bit on spooky.

  3. The crows / ravens (someday I will learn how to tell the difference) have been out and about here, I should dig out the Edgar Allen Poe.

  4. I wouldn’t know the difference either. I do enjoy Halloween decorations, but I hope parents don’t let their little ones go door to door this season.

  5. The crow is probably looking for something to get in to. Nice find seeing that lighted jack-o-lantern face.

  6. Hmm, appears to me to be a crow. Still, quoth the Raven, "Nevermore." :-)

  7. I'm starting to see decorations up here too but not as many as in previous years.

  8. The black bird is very apt for October. I'll be putting up my lights soon.

  9. Did the raven quoth "nevermore"?

    I like the jack-o-lantern face. That's pretty clever!

  10. It's a raven. Crows don't come into cities.

  11. Ah that's why the Ravens are gathering Sharon, I did wonder 😉

  12. The placement of lights in the window is a clever idea! Great shot of the bird.
