Monday, October 26, 2020

It's All a Hoax...Until....


When I made yesterday's post, I realized that I hadn't been on a drive around the city in quite a while so I set out to get some photos of seasonal decorations.  My first stop of course was my old neighborhood where I knew my former neighbor was one who put up elaborate Halloween decorations every year.  Well this year he put a little political statement in his skeletal grouping. 

It's not 220,000 skeletons but it's enough to get the message across.  I'm surprised there aren't a couple of MAGA hats on a few of those skulls but I admire my former neighbor for not purchasing any even if they would have been for decoration only.  I always enjoy this guy's Halloween decorations.  This year his skeletal family is mixing the normal Halloween humor with a serious message.  Be safe out there and for heaven's sake VOTE!


  1. Without trying to get political .....To me he seems to have constructed a perfect example of an oxymoron..

  2. I like it, subtle, yet effective. I know people who still think it is a hoax.

  3. Social distancing and no mask, sadly is not a hoax.

  4. Oh my gosh that's quite something Sharon. Yes let's hope people vote like they never have before. It's a nerve wracking feeling waiting for the outcome of the elections, I can only imagine what it's like for you guys ✨

  5. Oh, my! Absolutely. Less than 8 days!

  6. What a great idea! They really invested their time well...
