Saturday, October 24, 2020

From Office to Condos


There is a large bank building on the corner of Central Avenue and Camelback Road that has lived through name changes and tenants.  However, now it's going through a major change from an office building to condos.  It's a prime location for condos so I'm pretty sure it will be a success.  They are hard at work making the conversion.  It looks like the bank will still maintain some office space on the ground floors but it won't be long before people are living up above.  

I posted a photo with this building in the background back in 2014.  You can see it here.  


  1. It looks like a good location with public transit at the front door. I checked out your 2014 posting. I was surprise to see BMO... Bank of Montreal

  2. It will be interesting to see how it looks when finished, Sharon!

  3. That's quite a conversion. I'll be interested to see what they look like when they're done!

  4. The change will take awhile. I imagine the light rail will still be running and it will be convenient for the residents of the condos.

  5. Nice to live close to your money, I guess.

  6. I think we will see many changes of use for urban buildings post-pandemic. This building is at the leading edge.

  7. I'm glad to see this building being repurposed. It must have good bones. In general workmanship here is rather shoddy so entire areas of the city are bulldozed and rebuilt altogether. A big waste of money because they don't do it right in the first place.
