Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Sunrise, Mountains and Clouds

I promise I won't bore you with the same view every day this week but I just had to share this sunrise photo from yesterday morning.  The day after a monsoon storm usually fills the sky with scattered clouds and I had a feeling there might be a nice sunrise.

I was right, the clouds looked pretty good with the sun illuminating them from behind.

After enjoying the sunrise, I took a short walk.  I took the photo to the left because of the sunlight shining on the top of the palm trees and the white clouds behind them.  All in all, a very nice morning!


  1. Great photos, such a stunning landscape.

  2. Oh my! Mother Nature is showing off.

  3. I'm not sure that view could ever bore me!

  4. Does everyone know that it's called "The Kneeling Monk"?

  5. I don't think that I could get bored looking at that seen, Sharon! It was worth getting up for sunrise.

  6. You called it right and got some stunning photos as a reward. Well done, Sharon!

  7. Arizona Highways, here she comes!

  8. Great pics, Sharon, the 1st one is fabulous !
