Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Dust on the Horizon

Sunday night a dust storm rolled into the valley.  I went outside to see if I could get any interesting photos.  Above is the view to the north from my place.  I posted this view back in May when the air was clear, the sky was blue and those mountains were crystal clear.

Then I walked to the west view to see if I could see my great view of Camelback Mountain.  You can barely see the outline of the mountain.  The air was full of dust so I scooted back inside.

As I am writing this, we have a thunderstorm warning for later this evening.  So out I went to see how things looked tonight (Monday night).  I may not have centered the mountain very well but I did capture the lightning.  Bonus!


  1. In summer we see all kind of strange weathers passing by!

  2. Great shot! Photographing the lightning must have been a challenge.

  3. Wow! For the dust and for your lightning shot, Sharon!

  4. Good lightning capture! The dust is much grayer than I would have imagined. I thought it would be sort of orangey.

  5. I'm still working on a lightning shot. I remember several years ago waiting for probably an hour with my camera pointed out of a motel window hoping snap one to no avail. So kudos to you for this one. :-)

  6. Great lightning shot - I sure miss the summer thunderstorms in Arizona

  7. Great capture of the lightning! I hardly ever see lightning here and if it does occur, it's in the middle of the night.

  8. Great lightning photo. Phoenix is so much more interesting than I remember it. We haven't been up there since 2013 when I had my heart done, it has really changed. What is driving all of the construction? Do you know? About all we have in Tucson is related to the UofA taking over the surrounding neighborhoods to build student housing. I wonder how that is going given we have the plague. That mural of James Balwin is fantastic.

  9. Wow! We get smoky here when there have been bad forest fires (mostly in eastern Washington or southern British Columbia) but this looks really nasty. You really caught the crackle of that lightning, though. Great drama!

  10. Oh wow that is a lot of dust. We are dealing with the smoke from the fires north of us. Love the lighting shot...I have never been so lucky.

  11. Wow!

    I've never been able to photograph lightning.
