Thursday, August 20, 2020

A Mixture of This and That

I'm mixing it up a bit for today's post.  Just a few things I've observed around town when I've been out running errands.  This fine looking Volkswagen bus caught my eye.  It has an "antique auto" license plate on it and whoever owns it has restored it beautifully.  Just look at that shine.

The police were after me again.  Just kidding.  I'm not sure what they were doing but they were making a big circle over my neighborhood.  When they approached the mountains to the north of me, I could hear them talking on the loud speaker but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

I snapped this one when I was at a traffic light.  I saw the sign on the back of that van and I couldn't figure out what a motorcycle lawyer was.  So I looked them up.  They take cases involving motorcycle accidents and injuries.  Now I know.

The photo above is from my archives.  I took it when I visited The Churchill, that dining and entertainment facility I featured back in February.  I don't know sign language but I did look this up and what I get is SFSG.  Which might stand for Special Forces Support Group or maybe it's something else.  Any ideas?

This last one is a mailbox I saw.  I bet the people who live here like dogs!


  1. We have so much treassures in our archives to show others. Nice compilation!

  2. The VW is worth more today, than it sold for new. Nice.

  3. Nice mix up. Sometimes you just got to stop and look around for interesting things to photograph.

  4. I just saw a VW bus the same colour here yesterday. Love your mix up, some great photos indeed!

  5. Interesting sightings, especially that VW bug, a rare gem. Motorcycle lawyers is a new specialty for me but I'm sure they're capitalizing.
    I checked in my texting dictionary and the best I could find was "Surfer Friendly" for SF. Not much help, sorry.

  6. I like that mailbox, we see alot of microwaves here that have been converted to mailboxes.

  7. That's a beautiful Volkswagen. I assumed "motorcycle lawyers" meant the lawyers ride motorcycles -- like maybe they zip up to your house on a Harley for a consultation!
