Monday, August 17, 2020

Making an Important Statement

Remember that mural of Theodore Roosevelt that I posted back in June?  This new mural is on the other side of that glass building.  It was inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement.  One of the co-owners of the building Jason Harvey, found himself out on the sidewalk in front of the building handing out bottled water to the demonstrators who passed by.  He noticed that this side of the building was literally a blank canvas and he decided to do something that would make people think.

He chose Phoenix artist Antoinette Cauly to create an image.  The pair discussed options that included Martin Luther King but they decided they wanted to honor a man that people wouldn't recognize immediately.  They wanted an image that would inspire people to do some research and learn about the amazing accomplishments of the person chosen.  They chose writer and activist  James Baldwin.

Cauly painted a 5 foot painting of the author and then it was converted into screened images that would cover the whole side of the building.  Around Mr. Baldwin's head is one of his quotes: "Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced."

A great quote, perfect for this time we are living in.  

Taking part in Monday Murals


  1. A perfect image and perfect quote.

  2. This is one amazing king size mural. Sharon you are so right about the quote.

  3. LOVE IT! That's fantastic. Not only was James Baldwin black, but he was also gay. An activist on several fronts!

  4. That is incredible, simply perfect with the image and quote. A reflection on the world today.

  5. Interesting. That's the very same quote that I saw on the front door of a café near me.

  6. I've been seeing more of Baldwin and more of his quotes lately (and I think there's a new biography out). How nice that he's getting such large scale recognition.

  7. Extremely perfect for this day and age. We need more quotes and murals like this.

  8. Perfect mural. Especially interesting to me as just a couple weeks ago I read up on Mr. Baldwin. A great choice for a mural for BLM
