Friday, August 21, 2020

Mr. Scosttdale

This sculpture sits in the heart of the Scottsdale Civic Park and is a tribute to a man who served the citizens of Scottsdale for 24 years.

Herb Drinkwater was the mayor of Scottsdale for 16 years (from 1980 to 1996) and before that, served on the City Council for 8.  He was a bit of a character who was a friend to everyone and a sort of one man Chamber of Commerce.  He liked to dress in western clothes because after all, he was the mayor of "the west's most western" town.  He was often seen around town with his dog Sadie by his side so it was only natural that she should also be immortalized in the sculpture.

The sculpture was created by Clyde "Ross" Morgan and place in the park in 2003.


  1. It is nice schulpture, I like the dog with him.

  2. Erecting a monument like this is a sure indication that he was a popular politician.

  3. The world needs more character

  4. Very impressive. I like it very much!

  5. It is wonderful that they included his best friend with him, Sharon!

  6. I like that the dog was captured along with him!

  7. Impressive sculpture, a man and his best friend!

  8. You wonder about the origin of his name.

  9. Meanwhile, here in the east, we're tearing them down. :-)

  10. "A friend to everyone." That's refreshing to hear these days. Nice sculpture.

  11. I would never have guessed he was so contemporary. He looks like someone who lived in the 1860's!
