Wednesday, August 5, 2020

A Look Into the Past

Here's a few more photos from the slides I scanned last weekend.  These will show how well Kodak Ektachrome did in preserving the color.  These are from 1985 which makes them a whopping 35 years old.  Above is a scene from Rothenburg ob der Tauber in Germany.

 This scene is somewhere in Switzerland.  I remember stopping along the side of the road in several places just to take pictures of the amazing scenery.

I believe this building was in the town of Oberamergau in Germany.  I made a lunch stop here and I remember all the buildings were decorated with these murals.

This last photo is back in London and of one of the Horse Guards.  What struck me about this photo is the fact that the young man on the horse is probably retired by now!  Thats sort of a sobering thought!


  1. Lovely memories, Europe has many nice places.

  2. Nice. Kodachrome often held color well, it tended to go off to red or fade, Ektachrome tends to blue in time. There was a massive difference in the how the color dyes were incorporated into the two.

  3. Your slides are looking good. I still have a Kodak carousel slide projector and it still works.

  4. The colour has held up well, my photos from the 80's don't look as good.
    I was living in Germany in 1985, a bit further north near Hannover.
    Such pretty scenery, the house with all those murals is stunning.

  5. Ha! That IS a sobering thought.

    I also went to Rothenburg and Oberammergau when I was in Germany and Austria (12 years after you). I remember very similar scenery!

  6. The pics are so sharp still, Sharon!

  7. The photos preserved well, the colour is still rich. Your're probably right about the guy being retired. Life travels really fast!

  8. We loved Rothenberg when we visited there . . in 1985! I believe I remember seeing you in Kathe Wohlfart's Christmas shop!

  9. Wonderful shots and I'm sure they're great memories. The House Guard actually looks a bit like a figurine to me, everything so perfect, including his posture.

  10. Oh wow you are right Sharon the colour as stood the test of time brilliantly 💜 quite funny to think of the changes if you took those exact shots again today!

  11. I wish my older photos were as good as yours. I had a crappy camera and I'm so disappointed! Nice collection of pics.
