Tuesday, August 4, 2020

A Blast From the Past

Since I've been stuck at home over the past few months, I've tried to organize a few things around the house.  Last Friday, I decided to pull a box out of the bottom of the closet in the room I use for an office.  I had no idea what was in it but it was obviously something I didn't need.  What I found surprised me. It was full of old slides and a slide scanner that I totally forgot I had.  How could I have forgotten that I owned a slide scanner?

So, I spent Friday and Saturday scanning slides and editing and organizing them all.  I found lots of fun things that brought back great memories.

Above is a photo of me and my two sisters posing in our grandmother's back garden.  That's me on the left looking down.

To the left is a photo of my mother before she and my dad were married.

I also found a whole set of slides from my very first trip to Europe.  That's Buckingham Palace in 1985 above.  That year I spent time in London and then flew to Germany, rented a car and drove all over Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

And, I also found another set of slides from my second trip to Europe in 1991.  On that trip I visited London again along with Bruges Belgium and Paris.

I was surprised at how many of the slides still had good color.  Some of the oldest ones like the one of my mother had faded quite a bit.

It was fun looking at them all.  I'll have to pop a few of them into some posts in the future.


  1. Oh my gosh you found treasure Sharon, photographic treasure 💜 Are you a twin? Love the shot with your sisters, your mum is beautiful. The travel pics have really held up well.. I can see you are going to have a lot of fun looking through this unexpected discovery ✨

  2. Great slides. My first trip to London was May 1990, then Amsterdam and Paris in January 1991. I scanned all of my father's slides. I have a large box of slides to scan that hubby took in Europe in the 80's, mostly Italy and Greece.

  3. Love those old photos, so sweet to see your mother as a young woman. And you with the same dress as your sister, brings back memories.

  4. These are wonderful, Sharon! Your mum looked beautiful! All the women seemed so lovely back then which makes you wonder if the hairstyles were especially flattering or there was some other secret. ;-)

  5. Beautiful memories, Sharon.
    The first photo is really sweet.

  6. For many years my dad used a slide camera. I believe the slides are somewhere in his possession.

  7. Wow, these are AWESOME! You know how I love old pictures. The one of Buckingham Palace is interesting -- the view is basically the same today, but I think the palace has since been cleaned and the stonework is now lighter. I love the view of your grandmother's garden. She must have been quite the gardener! Share more slide pics, please!

  8. What a wonderful surprise. It's so easy getting lost in the old photos that bring back some precious memories. Nice little pup your mother is holding. Thanks for sharing these, Sharon.

  9. What a treasure trove of memories from the good old days before blogging. Your mother was a beauty. A perfect heart-shaped face.

  10. Great quality older pics. Good camera and good film make all the difference. Love the pic of you and your sisters.
