Thursday, August 6, 2020

Sliding Roof

I was stopped to take a photo of a mural I recently found and when I returned to me car I saw this building across the street.  What an unusual roofline.  It looks like a section of the roof is sliding off.  It makes me wonder why it was designed this way.  It is certainly a curiosity.  

Just a note: When I went to create this post, I saw that my site had been automatically updated to the "new" blogger.  That made creating this post a bit of a challenge.  Why on earth did they think they needed to make such a strange bunch of changes?  I realize that I will eventually get used to the new format.  I just can't see anything that I would call an improvement.  


  1. That odd looking piece on the roof looks like a rug or carpet.

  2. I don't like the New Blogger either. Go to your Blogger Dashboard. You will see a sidebar on the left. Scroll down until you see something like revert back to old Blogger. Click on it and the page will be automatically refreshed and switched back to the old Blogger dashboard.

  3. A strange looking roof indeed, thought you had a hurricane overthere!
    I am still using the old Blogger, nothing has changed so far, I am waiting for the big bang...

  4. True mid-century design. There was concern that Google hadn't updated blogger in years, the update is seen as a sign of commitment to it, you get use to it fairly fast.

  5. My site went to new blogger last week and I just did what Andy said and clicked onto the old version again and it switched back.

  6. That is the oddest roof design ๐Ÿ˜‰ Sharon they changed me over too but I opted to change back. There was a little note down on the left hand side at the bottom that said revert to old blogger, I pressed it straight away and it reverted back.. I'm not ready to change yet ๐Ÿ˜

  7. I love it! Very mid-century. Looks like they tried to update an older motel or bar to be a bit more stylish.

    I completely agree about Blogger. I had a terrible time formatting my post this morning and then when I looked at it on my phone it was still messed up. Argh! I was NOT amused.

  8. That roof looks like a lawsuit waiting to happen. Someone could easily walk into that if they were looking the other way. It's a really odd design choice. I hate the new blogger. I was ok with making new posts, but they have made going through comments and looking for old posts to edit impossible. Oh and the made the html impossible to read, as well. This was change for the sake of change.

  9. Very strange looking roof. It looks like it's ready to slide down to the street. Wouldn't want to walk near it. I'm having a problem with the labels on the new blogger plus it is real slow. Not impressed at all.

  10. Well we know it wasn’t built that way so the snow could slide off, I am going to try my best to figure out the new blogger. Think you have until later in the month to switch back if you want.

  11. I agree with you about the changes to Blogger. They certainly don't work well with either Safari or Vivaldi. Seems to work pretty well with the new Microsoft Edge. And, of course, I try to avoid Chrome at all costs. :-)

  12. The roof is an eye-catcher, which I bet was the intention. What caught my eye was that it seems to have angles similar to the sign.
    WordPress "updated" me automatically last year. Most of the time the changes are minor but I opened one day to post and was met with a "Welcome to the new WordPress" greeting. I was glad I've done this for a while because otherwise all the changes it would have really thrown me. It keeps techies employed and out of trouble, right?

  13. That's a wild looking roof. I wonder what it looks like after a couple cocktails!!?

  14. It looks like Rip got a little ripped in building that.

  15. That is a weird roofline.

    I'm still using what's called Legacy blogger, unless I'm forced.

  16. Very strange looking roof! I hate the changes blogger made too - argggh
