Thursday, July 2, 2020

The Greeter

I took the photo to the left several months ago and wrote down the name of the artist.  However, I must have lost the note with the artist's name.  So, last Sunday I drove to Scottsdale where this sculpture was located to find the name again.  The sculptor is Barry Eisenach.  His sculptures tend to be pioneers or native Americans.  That theme fits in perfectly in this location right behind the Scottsdale Museum of the West.

With everything still closed, there was not a single person around so I wandered around the outside of the museum and photographed several other pieces of art.  It's good to have some new photos to feed the blog.


  1. It is a nice sculpture! Yes it is a challenge to make a post at the moment. I have at least a big archive of photo's, otherwise there is hardly something new to experience...

  2. It has a wonderful location there, Sharon!

  3. Looks nice among the tall cacti.

  4. Kind of nice to have the whole place to yourself, I imagine!

  5. Great sculpture. Having photos ahead is helpful

  6. How do you think this work, obviously with a peace pipe, fits into contemporary political and social discussions?

  7. Beautifully sculpted, how wonderful to be so talented. Things are almost back to normal here Sharon, still with the distancing and hand washing though.. somehow I think that might be around for a long time to come 😊
