Friday, July 3, 2020

The Perfect Location....Maybe

When I was in Scottsdale last Sunday, I noticed a brand new hotel that has gone up directly across the street from the Western Spirit Scottsdale Museum of the West.  It's name looks like it will be Canopy by Hilton.  In normal times, this location would be pretty much ideal.  It's across the street from a museum and just feet from Main Street where all the galleries and restaurants are located.  One could even walk to Scottsdale Fashion Square, the largest shopping center in the state.  At the rate the virus is devastating Arizona, it will be a while before this place can open.  And when it does, what will the new "normal" be?


  1. Still hard to believe that the whole world has almost been brought to a standstill because of something like this Sharon, we certainly weren't prepared ✨

  2. I wonder if there will ever be a normal. Things seem to be changing all of the time. I'm staying home as much as possible.

  3. It's so strange to contemplate the long-term changes this virus will create. Surely we'll still need hotels, though? I hope so, anyway!

  4. Things have been pretty quiet over here but with everything opened now I expect the numbers infected will go up. Stay safe, I've been reading about Arizona's rise with the virus numbers since last week. Scary times we live in, Sharon.

  5. I'm actually quite surprised at how many people appear to be returning to some of our hotels, especially given the reduction in services available.

  6. Unusual building. The window layout doesn't look like a usual hotel. New normal? We're making our first short trip by air in a week. We may get a taste of it.
