Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Theme Day: Neighborhood

I feel like I've had lots of pictures from my neighborhood lately but I haven't featured many birds eye views in the west direction so here we go.  This is where I begin my neighborhood walks (when it's cool enough to walk).  I round that curve in the street below and head west where I cross the golf course and then turn north toward the Biltmore Hotel.  The walk takes me through an area full of what I'd call mega-mansions however, there are several condo and apartment buildings scattered among those monstrous houses.

Today is the first of the month so most bloggers who are part of the City Daily Photo group post a photo based on a theme.  If you would like to see more "neighborhoods" from around the world, click here.


  1. Good view of your neighbourhood.

  2. It looks like a nice quiet area, Sharon!

  3. Nice view, Sharon. Looks like a lovely place to walk.

  4. It looks like a very nice neighborhood! It's great to see a picture that also gives us a sense of your daily life and your routines.

  5. Super roof top view Sharon, it's nice just walking out the front door and exploring the neighbourhood. Do you play golf?
