Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Around the Corner....More Smooth Curves

 You might remember that at the end of June, I took a Sunday drive to Scottsdale and wandered around the outside of the Scottsdale Museum of the West.  While I was there I found another beautiful sculpture by Khang Pham-New.  I posted a picture of the other sculpture of his back in June.  I found this one right around the corner.  This one is larger than the first one I found.  The artist calls this one "Realm of Passion".

This sculpture had a descriptive plaque and I found the information very interesting.

It reads:
In the late 1970's and early 1980's Vietnamese refugees fled Vietnam by boat and migrated to many countries, including the United States.  Known as "Boat People" many families resettled in the greater Phoenix area, and as Vietnamese Americans they contribute to the rich cultural diversity of the American West.  Vietnamese artist Khang Pham-New created these sculptures to serve and show gratitude for both our country having given his people lawful permanent residency and to the Vietnamese immigrants for proudly preserving their cultural characteristics, most importantly family loyalty.  

Reading that gave me a whole different perspective of this wonderful artist.


  1. It is stone, and yet it looks fragile, amazing.

  2. I love how the 2nd pic shows the 2 sections interacting, Sharon!

  3. Beautiful and impressive. In the second photo, it looks like the piece is embracing itself in a hug.

  4. What lovely graceful curves. I love it!

  5. Especially poignant in light of today's controversies surrounding immigration.

  6. It's a gorgeous piece. And once again...words fail me at what's happening with immigration now...

  7. So beautiful Sharon, this sculpture and the previous sculpture you posted are as you said super 'touchable'.. love reading the artist's concept here, quite often it's hard to know the why of a sculpture 💜
