Thursday, July 30, 2020

Student Art Exhibit

Back in February when life was going along at a normal pace, I read somewhere that there was an exhibit of student art work on display at the the main branch of the Phoenix Public Library.  It was work by students at Phoenix College, the school I used to live near.  I decided to take a look.  It turned out to be a very small exhibit with only five artists represented.  I only took photos of two of the pieces.  The one above was created in hand-dyed fabric by Brenda Mason.  It's called "Path to Forgiveness".  One of the members of my Art Challenge group does work with fabric so I could appreciate this one very much.

The second one I photographed is by artist Curtis Owens.  It is called "Scarred Fragments" and it's constructed of ceramic pieces on panels.  They made me think of a type of body shield.

Finding these photos made me sigh and wish I could go museums and libraries once again.

Tomorrow I'll show you another interesting piece of art I found at the Library that wasn't a part of this particular exhibit.


  1. Yes, we all miss that so. Here you have to make appointments before visiting a museum or a cinema. I don't like that, we have to travel from another town to Amsterdam and you never know you are in time there.

  2. In time, we will return. There is a group in DC called Artomatic that does huge open shows every couple of years, they have been doing a virtual series this year.

  3. I wonder if we will ever go back to 'normal', Sharon! I sure don't feel normal.

  4. I always enjoy seeing the students art exhibition Sharon, fascinating to see how young minds see the world. Hope it's not too long before things get a bit easier over there for you 💜

  5. Even if you don't work with fabric, that first piece, especially, looks impressive.

  6. The Path to Forgiveness is pretty impressive. I know a few people who work with fabric and I'm always amazed by what they create.

  7. It's shocking how suddenly and quickly "normal" fell away. I marvel at how much I took for granted. Art, music, friend groups.

  8. Very nice. I'm going through my old photos now too. Sigh. I just wonder what the new normal will be like when it's all over with.

  9. Interesting! I know I say this all the time, but artists are so inventive.
