Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Southwest Pieta

Here is another sculpture I found on the Arizona State University campus.  This one is located outside the Nelson Fine Arts Building.  It's called Southwest Pieta and it was sculpted by Luis Jimenez.  Jimenez was born in El Paso Texas but lived in New Mexico for most of his career.  He has scultptures all over the country.  In fact, according to Wikipedia, he has a sculpture by the same name as this in Albuquerque New Mexico that was named a National Treasure by President Bill Clinton in 1999.


  1. This sculpture seems to be expressing what is happening to a lot of people in both of countries at the present time. I know it doesn't but that is what popped into my mind.

  2. Lots of messages there I think, Sharon!

  3. Oh my gosh this is stunning Sharon, there is a lot going on in this beautifully sculpted piece 💜

  4. Interesting! That looks like a Wright-inspired building behind it, with those half-moon windows.

  5. I have heard of him... maybe here.

  6. I really like it, what a clever artist.

  7. Beautiful -- lots going on.

  8. It's a really striking sculpture! It evokes a lot of emotion.
