Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Fountain Called To Me

I had one of those moments yesterday morning when I couldn't stand to be cooped up in my house any longer.  I needed to make an escape.

So I grabbed my camera and got in the car with nowhere in particular in mind.  I drove east to Central Avenue and then headed south into the midtown commercial area.  As I approached Thomas Road, I looked to the left and got a peek at this fountain.

I immediately turned left and found a place to park so I could wander around and take a few photos.  I've featured this fountain at the Phoenix Plaza high-rise complex before but I decided it was time for an update.  I was the only person around so I took my time and photographed it from different angles.  You can barely see those walls that run through the fountain in the top two photos.  You have to get all the way around it to see them.   Two years ago I posted a photo taken from high up in one of the towers looking down so you can see the fountain from above.


  1. Nice fountain view... including the one from above.
    Now of days it is a great feeling when one gets out of the house.

  2. Refreshing!!

    Yes, we must get out of the house to avoid cabin fever.

    : )

  3. I'm often drawn to water Sharon.. I remember this water feature from above, looks good from all angles.

  4. I like the last pic showing those walls, Sharon! It looks very refreshing!

  5. The fountains are very nice to be around when it's hot. When my daughter was young, she used to love running through them to cool off. :)

  6. Those walls are interesting -- not an expected feature of a fountain!

  7. Phoenix has changed so much over the years. Great fountain.

  8. That fountain would be a real tonic these days.

  9. Beautiful fountain, and I think, very refrehing too.
