Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Ready for Move-In

Two years ago, I posted a photo of this place while it was under construction.  It's finally ready for people to move-in.  I hadn't been down this way in a while so I was surprised to see the big tall building all ready to go.  The name of this apartment building is The Stewart.

I'm not sure what to think about that bridge-like connection across the top.  It doesn't look like anyplace I'd want to walk.  Maybe it's just for appearances.  However, I have heard that somewhere up there on top is the swimming pool.  I bet there are some great views from up there.


  1. Gosh that's quite a size Sharon. Bridges between buildings seem to be the thing these days, there is one joining the new skyrise hotels here at Elizabeth Quay. No way would I be swimming in that pool 😀

  2. Yeah, what IS that thing on top? A sunshade? A walkway? I'm mystified.

  3. There doesn't seem to be a purpose for that thing! I can't imagine walking along it, Sharon!

  4. That is a huge building. Interesting to know what is on top, it's a mystery. Maybe you can solve it, Sharon by going undercover. :)

  5. Some high flyin' swimmers. :-)

  6. At least the architecture is a little different. I doubt I'd like the price.

  7. The walkway ranks with clear floors in observation spots -- not for me.

  8. That walkway, if that's what it is, is not for me either.
