Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day!

Today is Memorial Day in the United States, a holiday set aside to honor and mourn all the military personnel who have died serving our country.

I thought this statue on the grounds of the Heard Museum was appropriate for the day.  It's called "He's My Brother" by Michael Naranjo.

The plaque on the statue's base reads:

The scene from "He's My Brother" must have taken place on too many occasions around the world, and although the uniform one wears may be different, the sentiment remains the same.  In combat, close relationships are built as one walks the fine line between life and death and one would readily lay down his life for his brother.


  1. It's always a very good day to remember.

  2. Perfect for the day, Sharon!

  3. What a powerful sculpture, perfect for the day!

  4. Today it could have been a nurse or doctor in harm's way.

  5. An interesting sculpture, and yes, very appropriate for Memorial Day!

  6. I really like this work. Simple, elegant, yet you feel the weight.

  7. Beautiful sculpture, perfect for today. Seeing photos from our many wars it's shocking to see how very young the soldiers are, at the threshold of life.

  8. So perfect for the day Sharon, beautifully poignant sculpture 💜
