Thursday, May 7, 2020

Observations During These Strange Times

When I was photographing trees last weekend, I happened to see this political yard sign.  I think that sign speaks volumes about our current political situation and the petulant miscreant at the top.

There is a small shopping center at the top of my street and I drive up there to get views every now and then.  Of course all the shops are closed right now but I was intrigued by these two chairs I spotted in the parking lot.  Some form of social distancing?

The Air Force did a fly over last Friday to honor first responders and hospital workers.  I thought I had chosen a good spot to see them fly over but I was wrong.  They were way off in the distance.  This was the only shot I got and it's not good at all.  There were about 6 more planes in the group that I missed entirely.

I took this last one last Saturday when I went to the mall to see if I could walk there.  Scottsdale Fashion Square is a huge shopping center with several huge parking garages all around it.  It was strange to see the garages virtually empty when normally I'd have to drive around a bit to find a vacant spot.


  1. Those two chairs in the parking lot are quite strange.
    What a pity the Air Force fly over wasn't closer to you.

  2. The first sign made me laugh out loud Sharon, let's hope 😉 so strange to see such a huge empty garage ✨

  3. Yes these are strange times we ar living in...

  4. Love the sign, Sharon! Our new normal is very strange.

  5. Thank you for the laugh with the sign. 【ツ】

  6. Well those chairs appear to be having a nice conversation. Your shot of the fly over is better than ours. We captured open sky.

  7. I heard on the radio yesterday that a number of malls around the country are struggling right now.

  8. I love that 2020 sign, it gave me a nice laugh. :)

  9. U nas galerie handlowe są otwarte ale jest dużo środków ostrożności. Na parkingu samochody parkują jest dostępna tylko polowa miejsc parkingowych.

  10. Perhaps you could have done your walk in the parking garage.

  11. You've caught some perfect images of these times.
    The sign is perfect. That's been my thinking through Democratic primaries. Still is.
    Two chairs: I picture a couple of people hanging out, maybe working on a tan, and propping their feet up on either side of the pole base.
    Jet Blue was apparently going to do a flyover of NYC today, only 200 ft. above the tallest building. Not a place I'd think of doing flyovers with commercial jets...

  12. Well after what's gone on with the corona virus I'm not sure there are any functioning adults around, hope you're staying safe there.

  13. I like the two chairs!!

    Underground parking kind of make very apprehensive... full or empty.
