Tuesday, March 10, 2020

They're Back!

The Spring Butterfly exhibit at the Desert Botanical Garden opened last week so I went on Friday to see how they look.  I'd say they are looking very good.  Above is a Gulf Fritillary.

Here is a White Peacock butterfly.  (My friend Julie said she would call this photo 'Butterfly with Chop Sticks' because of those stems in the photo.)

A Pipevine Swallowtail on a yellow flower.

And, I was thrilled to see my favorite the Malachite.  I only saw two of them and they both stayed on the plate with the orange slices the whole time I was there.


  1. Lovely photos Sharon. This is one insect that everyone loves to see.

  2. Wow, what a wonderful photo's you made!

  3. Beautiful captures Sharon. I don't see many butterflies in my garden, but I do get lots of bees and birds visiting.

  4. Beautifully captured, Sharon.

  5. Great photos, Sharon. Your camera must have a very fast shutter speed.

  6. I love seeing these shots -- a parade of beauty. And that Malachite is extra gorgeous. Your post today is a real treat. Thank you!

  7. Motyle są piękne i cudownie wyglądają na fotografiach:)

  8. Oh my gosh they are beautiful shots Sharon, especially the last, the patterns are too gorgeous.. thank goodness for the orange slices :)

  9. Beautiful photos, as always! I love those malachites too. Don't think I've ever seen one live.

  10. The delicate beauty of butterflies captured perfectly.

  11. So cool.
    The last picture looks like a watercolor!
