Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Learning About the iPhone 11 Pro

Back in early February, I got the new iPhone 11 Pro and I wanted to learn to use it correctly so I signed up for a series of classes at the Apple Store.  They've been very helpful for learning all the things I can do with the cameras on the new phone.  At one of the classes we went out for a photo-walk near the store.  I took the photo above using the 2x telephoto lens.

Later on the walk, I used the .5x (wide angle) lens to take this photo looking down into a parking garage.

Last Thursday night when I went of the Scottsdale Art Walk, I only brought the iPhone with me to take photos.  This gallery happened to be closed the evening of the walk so I shot this photo through the door using the standard 1x lens.

Then I positioned it on the wide angle lens and got a different perspective.  It's been a fun experience learning all the possibilities with this new "toy".  I'll show you a couple more things I learned in another class tomorrow.


  1. My wife just bought her first iPhone. The quality of the photographs are amazing.

  2. Życzę wspanialej zabawy i pięknych fotografii:)

  3. I still have a flip phone! ;-)

  4. No camera on my phone, I have a flip phone too. :)

  5. Pat and Bill above made me smile :) I really must get with the program and start using my phone to take pics, it just doesn't feel right :) You've taken some beauties here Sharon.

  6. That is a VERY good camera for being in such a tiny, convenient device. I'm carrying my big camera less and less these days.

  7. Your views of the gallery space are lovely!

  8. Wow! These are great shots! You now have me wondering if instead of recently getting two new lenses for my DSLR if I shouldn't have just gotten an iPhone. Well...too late.

  9. These phones and their cameras are a wonder to me.

  10. I bought my wife and I and iPhone 8plus each I did not thing it was worth the extra money to go for the 11, mind you in retrospect I should have bought an XR
