Monday, March 9, 2020

No More Stolen Sisters

Last month I did a post about a new dining and entertainment facility in downtown Phoenix called The Churchill.  There is an alley that runs behind the facility and the entire area has been painted with murals.  They are all by different artists.  I photographed all of them so I'll be showing them one by one in the future.

This mural is by Lucinda Hinojos who paints under the name La Morena.  She painted this one to bring attention to the missing and murdered indigenous women and children.  Lucinda is a very talented young artist.

Taking part in Monday Murals.


  1. The mural has a important message that people need to pay attention to.

  2. Beautiful mural and something people should care about

  3. Effective portrayal of a face with a message!

    best... mae at

  4. Think I know where that ally is, and perhaps my post today was from that same place. Your mural photo has an important message.

  5. A mural with a message. Well done!

  6. This is a brilliant way to focus attention on a shocking situation Sharon, beautifully painted 💙

  7. A subject too long ignored and an effective mural. I was shocked at the great numbers in Canada when I first read about it.

  8. Beautiful mural and poignant message Sharon.
    Thanks for participating.

  9. This has become a sad, ongoing problem we were faced with several years ago when the problem was brought to the world stage. It's a great mural for International Women's Day, a reminder that this problem still exists, and there is still a need to correct the problem. LOVELY find.

  10. A very poignant painting. Thanks for sharing it.

    Feel free to share at My Corner of the World
