Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Random Observations

I have a few random observations today.  First up is this row of pictures on the wall at my doctor's office.  Don't those photos look like something I would have taken?  That gives me ideas!

A stack of vintage western magazines on display at the Phoenix Art Museum.

And, to the left, a tree with a very colorful trunk.

Some very pretty glass objects that I admired at the Desert Botanical Garden gift shop.  I was really tempted to purchase one but, I took the photo instead.

And, here is this rather strange thing I found in an alley behind some shops.  At first I thought someone was standing there until I got close enough to see it.  It was surrounded by a lot of trash so I think it was fated for the junk heap.  It did make me wonder where it came from and what it was for.


  1. I love the comic books. I grew up on them. Roy, Hoppy, Gene and me.

  2. That last one looks almost like a real woman! I am surprised it is a doll!

  3. What a weird looking guard! But how fun.

  4. Yes I thought as soon as I saw the paintings, your Botanical shots are amazing! You did well to resist taking anything home Sharon 😊 the figure is a wee bit creepy for sure!

  5. I thought that was a real woman at first too! Actually those vases are ceramic with crystalline glazes - it is a special technique to get the crystals to form like that. Love the pics from the dr.'s office, Sharon!

  6. The vases really draw my eye, Sharon.

  7. Sharon-

    Tucson Medical Center in Tucson has a program called Healing Arts. Lauren Rabb who is the curator has over 1000 photos and art pieces hanging in the halls of TMC.

    From the web sight: Tucson Medical Center's Healing Art Program was established in 2014 to help patients heal with surroundings that inspire, encourage and cheer. Research shows that art in hospitals makes everyone feel better - reducing pain and anxiety, and often shortening hospital stays. The program is currently managed by Curator Lauren Rabb, who can be reached through the TMC Foundation. Please call 520-324-3116 for her contact information.

    Here is some more info about the program. I have one photo that is hanging in the hall of the hospital and I am so proud. https://www.tmcaz.com/foundation/where-to-give/healing-art-program

    Some samples of the works.: https://www.artworkarchive.com/profile/tmc-healing-art-program my photo is on Page 7.

    I do think that your photos are very worthy of hanging at TMC. There is no charge although you must give the rights to reproduce and hang your picture for the program. You can contact me if you need more info.

  8. The comic books bring back some childhood memories. Good old Roy Rogers, I watched his show on tv every Saturday. The last photo, I thought was a real person.

  9. I would enjoy looking through those old comic books!

  10. OK, I would have taken that mannequin home. What an amazing costume! Super weird! I also love the tree with the colorfully painted trunk.

    And look (above) -- some info on getting your photos to hang in the doctor's office!! That's awesome!

  11. Roseann, I've been trying to locate your email address to thank you and I can't find it now. Thanks so much for the information about the art works. I will contact them to see if they would be interested in any photos. What a great idea!
