Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Mystery Photos

I have an old Sony digital camera with three really nice lenses but I haven't used it in a few years.  It's too big and bulky and my little Nikon does everything I need it to do.  However, this last weekend, I decided to get out the Sony and shoot a few macro photos of some flowers I bought.  I had to recharge the batteries and reset the date and time but I finally got it ready to take the shots.

I took about 18 shots of the flowers and then downloaded the photos to my computer and these three photos were in the group I downloaded.

I checked the date on them and they were taken May 20, 2017.  I have no idea what they are.  They are a complete mystery to me.  I have a pretty good memory but, I have no recollection of taking these photos.  I'm not even sure what this is.  It looks like  a big bowl of broken glass but I can't imagine why I would have had or seen a bowl of broken glass.  It's just a mystery.


  1. I like those mysteries, that second one looks very good :)

  2. Your camera is haunted. (Ͼ˳Ͽ) Better call "Ghost Busters".

  3. How bizarre! I love stumbling across little mysteries like this. Could it be crushed ice in a drink, maybe?

  4. Oh no now I have to know Sharon. It definitely looks like shards of plastic or could it be ice? Excellent macros whatever it might be 😀

  5. I was thinking ice , maybe because it is so cold here.

  6. I would be very curious as well.
    A bowl of crystals!

  7. Only plave I use my DSLR is around the churches I visit, other times it's the compact I can put in my pocket fo my Iphone

  8. I like mysteries, there is an answer somewhere, Sharon. I thought it was ice too.

  9. I immediately thought ice in a cocktail. But maybe I'm just thirsty.
