Thursday, January 31, 2019

Broken Shutters

There is a parking garage near the Scottsdale Civic Center that I hardly ever use but one day recently I parked there and that's when I saw these windows with the wooden shutters on the back side of a building that used to be a restaurant.  The building is vacant right now and has been for quite a while.

The wooden shutters are in various states of decay but they make interesting photos, don't you think?

If anyone ever moves into this building, I wonder if they will fix these windows or just leave them looking rustic and old.


  1. That doesn't look good, sad it is in such decay.

  2. Ohhh....
    But the photos are very nice !

  3. Looks great. If you were to create a monochorme photo you could print it, frame it and hang it on a wall.

  4. See what I found: the same window in Jan. 2009... How fun!

  5. They sure make for a good pic, Sharon!

  6. I love old windows and these are very photogenic.

  7. They make a great photo, Sharon. I like Stefan's suggestion.

  8. Oh they look a sad Sharon.. but really photogenic too 😉
