Friday, January 11, 2019

Alley Cat

I was taking a shortcut through the alley behind some shops when this little fellow darted out in front of me.  I stopped to watch him as he examined some boxes stacked up behind one of the shops.  Then he spotted me watching him and he decided to watch me too!  He's a cute little guy and he didn't mind having his picture taken at all.


  1. This cat is awesome. His markings are like a tiger's.

  2. He looks sweet and has the marks of my cat but he is not a British Shorthair. He looks very eager to pose for you!

  3. There's something very special about cats, they always look so regal. He looks gorgeous, happy and healthy 🐱

  4. That is a very well-groomed alley cat! I wonder if he actually belongs to someone?

  5. He stayed put for the photo!
    How about that!.; )

  6. What a beauty and now he's seen by many people around the globe.

  7. That's a beautiful cat and too well groomed to be a true alley cat.

  8. He looks very clean and healthy, and quite a handsome little guy!
