Saturday, January 12, 2019

Black Widow

As with almost everyone, I did a bit of shopping during the holiday season and on one of those shopping trips, this beautiful, chrome black widow spider on the side of a vehicle caught my eye.

When I took a closer look, I noticed there were black widow spiders on the wheels of the truck as well.  

Here's the whole vehicle looking very shiny and well cared for.  I bet the inside has a spider theme going on too.  I didn't attempt to peek in the windows though.  I was afraid I might get bit!  ðŸ˜¬


  1. I must admit I never look at a car that way. But you had a good eye for this striking detail.

  2. Spider-Man now lives in Phoenix? /X\('-')/X\

  3. So many people in the USA seem to drive pick-ups. This one looks pretty posh, Sharon!

  4. Brilliant nice bit of cutomiseing there

  5. What an interesting find, Sharon. Lots of details if you like spiders but a well cared for vehicle

  6. That first photo shows marvelous design skills.

  7. I don't mind spiders but this one gives me the creeps, just as well it's not real.

  8. Oh wow! Well spotted Sharon, especially on the wheel caps 😱

  9. You've got a definite self-portrait reflection thing going on in that top picture. I like it!
