Thursday, January 10, 2019

Student Designers

Last June, I found a vacant shop at Scottsdale Fashion Mall that had been turned into a place to display the creative design talents of students at ASU.  You can see that post here.

When I was at the mall recently, I found some new designs in the shop window.

Some of them are functional like those above and some are wild and crazy like this outfit to the left.  How about those boots?

I like outfits made of patchwork fabrics but, I couldn't wear that hat.

I didn't find anything in the windows that I'd actually purchase myself but, I could picture these items gliding down the runway at a fashion show.


  1. Clothing designs seem to get more and more bizarre as time goes by, not sure what to make of the umbrella boots though.

  2. Oh absolutely Sharon.. these fashions need tall slim models to show them off, neither of which I am 😀

  3. Sometimes those designs are not made to wear, just to express their creativity. But they are fun to watch.those boots you can also use as an umbrella :)

  4. Glad to hear you did not make any purchase... but they do make interesting photography.

  5. I wouldn't want to wear those red boots in the rain.....or any other time. These designs are more art than clothing I think.

  6. The outfit in that second shot really would turn heads.

  7. Well, points for creativity, but yeah, not exactly functional.

  8. School is the time to have fun with design and not worry about selling things!

  9. I've often wondered when I'ved seen photos from fashion shows: who on earth wears this stuff?

  10. I always wondered who would wear clothes like that. Creativity is alive and well in the fashion industry, that's for sure.
