Saturday, June 9, 2018

Tumbling Plants

I was sitting at a traffic light when I caught sight of the plants tumbling from the balconies of the apartments at Optima in Scottsdale.  They looked so pretty against that blue sky that I couldn't resist.  All I had with me was my iPhone but I think it did pretty well.

I did a post about these apartments here.


  1. That is so pretty! They are growing the same plants!

  2. Very unusual building and plants and very beautiful. I love it. Thanks for using your cell phone (which did a super job) to share this with us.

  3. Looks nice. I wonder what kind of plant that is.

  4. They still look fabulous Sharon, the green goes so well with the colour of the building.

  5. I assume that management must coordinate the planting and there is automatic watering. it looks so nice , Sharon!
    I hope your robin hangs around and finds a mate!

  6. Looks great! I saw a "green wall" on an apartment building today and it was completely dead. Saddest looking thing I have ever seen. I guess they didn't install proper irrigation or something.

  7. Interesting to see that in an apartment building. The owners must somehow do the maintenance. Otherwise at least one tenant would have a brown thumb.
