Sunday, June 10, 2018

Flowers at the Market

I went to the Farmers Market yesterday.  I hadn't been in what seems like a long time.  I can always count on Maya's to have a colorful array of flowers on display.  These sunflowers look very cheery.

I was surprised to see a bunch of thistle blooms in one bucket.

But, put them all together with some daisies and they make a beautiful bouquet.  

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm roaming a historic neighborhood.


  1. What a beautiful colours, so bright!

  2. Gotta love sunflowers. I like thistles, too. We do have some very cool ones here that grow wild. They're not as colorful as your thistles but I've heard that you Phoenix people always thistle while you work!

  3. Gorgeous colors, Sharon! I always love to see sunflowers!

  4. That's a great assortment! Did you buy it?

  5. Splendid flora display. The colours are fantastic.

  6. Love the sunflowers Sharon, did you go home with a bunch?

  7. Pretty, pretty flowers. I buy a bunch or two of flowers most times I visit a grocery store.
